FPDF is great but it's missing some functions, notably rounded corners on rectangles. So here's mine.
I actually had to bust out some trig to do this, for the first time in years. It works by drawing a large number of lines from the point you specify inwards to the boundary of an imagined quarter circle. Enough lines are drawn to give the impression of a solid shape which will mask the sharp corner of your image or table cell.
$pdf is the instance of FPDF with which you are working. $x and $y are the co-ordinates of the corner and $r is the radius of the rounded corner you want.
The $cnr variable should be from 1 to 4, with 1 being the lower right and then progressing clockwise, 4 being top right.
Hope it's useful to somebody!
function corner ($pdf, $cnr, $x, $y, $r) { // white to match document background $pdf->SetDrawColor(255,255,255); // define quad sectors in radians for ($i=0;$i<=2;$i+=0.5) { $lim[] = $i*pi(); } // find x and y of virtual circle origin $d = $r-0.2; // you get neater ends if it's a little bit offset $ox = $x + ($cnr>1&&$cnr<4 ? $d : -$d); $oy = $y + ($cnr>2 ? +$d : -$d); $step = 1/($r*10); // more lines if it's larger for ($a=$lim[$cnr-1];$a<=$lim[$cnr]+$step;$a+=$step) { $yy = $r*sin($a); $xx = $r*cos($a); $pdf->Line($x,$y,$ox+$xx,$oy+$yy); } }
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