Right. Time to fill you in a bit.
Since my exam (can you believe it? Final year and I only get one exam) I have been almost as busy as I was before it. For some reason it just wasn't as exciting as finishing A levels, and although Tom and I managed to get out for a few drinks (Tom managing his first ever 10 pint run) the enormous gang of unexpected friends, relations and street revellers were not much in evidence. This might be explained, of course, but Tom and myself finishing several weeks before most other people, but this I feel is beside the point.
Since then we've been screwing around; rowing, having the occasional pint and even, on very rare occasion, tidying up. This is not my gay side desperately trying to get out, it is more my nonviolent side trying to get our deposit back from Spark's without having to pop round with a comfy chair and / or a gross of Molotov cocktails.
There was a brief sojourn in Paris with my folks; I never fail to be impressed with the driving over there. My father had to be forcibly restrained from buying a brand new Citroen on the Champs Elysees, but thankfully the call of a steak tartare was too strong and he left before he could reach for his credit card.
Since then there were a few coastal regattas, and a week in Oxford babysitting my 12-year-old sister; well, I say 'babysitting' but to be quite honest anybody who can hoodwink me into thinking her bedtime is a full 90 minutes later than it really is, deserves some more respect. And I don't think that is a lemonade, either! Oh, dear. Hopefully my mother won't be overly upset by the fact that her daughter has turned into a Viz-reading alcoholic; I'm sure she did notice that although I was there for a week, I only mowed half the lawn and didn't even try to clear the creepers from the front of the house. Hmm..
I can't believe it's less than a week to go until I fly out to South Africa. Any of you who knew my previous plans will be thrilled, I'm sure, to learn that I am no longer intending to dodge bullets on my round-the-coast bicycle trip, but I am now transferring directly to Swaziland, where a job on the staff of the Times of Swaziland awaits! Before anyone gets too excited, this is the paper which, after the first snow in 80 years, got a little over excited and ran a splash headline, 'Second Coming of Christ'.
Oh, dear..
Don't miss..
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