Because I am short on imagination and insanely busy (erm, yeah, right) at work, the only way I can stimulate a diary entry out of myself is to comment on the pictures I'm uploading. You might do well to open two windows, one with the pictures and one with this diary entry, so you can compare the two. I've also decided to do one chapter per month, so that you can find your way around a bit more easily as the site grows. Speaking of which, this is chapter nine! Wow, and the present architecture can only handle 999 chapters..
It occurs to me that the pictures aren't quite as scintillating as they have been; maybe daylight is a factor. Anyway, apologies, but they are very nice and small.
While I was in Johannesburg, shortly before Christmas, I got somewhat refreshed and went to see several films. On the way out of one, I had the great fortune to be alone in a large cinema in the middle of the night, so I did what most chemically imbalanced people would have done: I stole a large cardboard film poster with bikini girls on it. It's a great little number and an asset to any living room, especially mine, as photo id=1 proudly shows.
I was going to treat you to a review of this film, which was a refreshingly feminine take on an escapist movie. It was very much a woman's "Cocktail". Anyway, I can't really see the point now as my initial enthusiasm has somewhat faded and I'm never going to meet Germaine Grier so why should I waste time explaining why this film shows that she should go home and shut up for once, that women do have their cultural place and that yes, even Hollywood has woken up to that fact?
I've included here a shot of my desk at work, so that you can picture more accurately what I'm looking at when I can't be bothered to return your instant messages / emails. Only joking! Actually, this is a picture of the knitted dog Lindiwe made for me, which happens to show the rest of my desk by accident (the camera won't focus closer than 1.2 metres). Note the brolly.
This is a picture I took while lying on a skateboard and hanging on to the running boards of the car while my cocaine-fuelled mates did handbrake turns. Only joking! Actually, my arm went a bit funny while I was trying to take a picture and flopped down the outside of the door. This is at the top of Fonteyn hill, heading towards Pine Valley.
Andy's Birthday
Andy's birthday began beautifully, even if certain events turned a little sour later on. Anyway, here are the good bits:
Carl, Aisha and Charlie try carpet surfing. Probably more dangerous than we thought at the time; especially after a few drinks. Charlie, as you can see, has the best technique, as he had had nothing stronger than a steak roll at this point.
Here Dessy, Aisha, Kevin and Andy relax by the fire. You can tell that the camera can't deal with smoke at all. Ah, well.
Groovy movers on the dancefloor. Luckily, the adrenaline-hunting carpet surfers had moved on at this point and were setting up bungy cords from the rafters. Jenny (left) cleverly everted herself at the last second and shielded Kush from nearly being in one photograph. Very close call.
Charlie and Nicky. Charlie is saying, "Samoan vodka?" This photo was taken upside down, in one fluid movement, when I whipped the camera out from behind my back and hit, 'go'. Ironically, it is the best-exposed and best-framed picture of the night.
This is what happens when somebody who doesn't know the camera takes too long to get ready and then suddenly hits the switch while you are pulling a stupid face out of boredom.
Bob on his way home; I was rather hoping to catch at least some of the light outside but it was obviously darker than I thought. Disturbingly, I remember turning on the headlights quite a while after taking this shot, which just goes to show something, I'm sure.
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